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How to Hire a Freelancer

Connect with Environmental Professionals

Find freelance environmental professionals. Save time and money through our service marketplace.

Work directly with the professionals, rather than through a firm.

EnviroLinx replaces the traditional hiring process, allowing pros to bid on your project through a reverse marketplace.

You can find professionals by searching for your desired experience and evaluating their profile and reviews. 


Option 1: Post a Job and Receive Bids

Create a Job with details and requirements. Upload an RFP if desired.

Once the Job is posted, professionals will be able to submit their proposal and bid to be reviewed by the client.

The client can search for a professional in the "Freelancers" section and invite them to bid the job.

Post a Job


Option 2: Hire a Professional Directly or Through a Posted Service

Search for your required service through the "Browse Services" tab.

Send the professional a message to discuss the project.

If the service isn't posted, you can search for professionals based on their categories and skills.




To get started, click on Browse Services or Post a Job at the top!

If you don't have an account yet, click here to sign up:

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